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Congress Messe Innsbruck Logo

This information is provided in accordance with Arts. 14 of UGB (Austrian Business Enterprise Code), 5 of ECG (Austrian E-Commerce Act) und 24 of MedienG (Austrian Media Act).

Company name and official address of the company
Congress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH
6020 Innsbruck | Rennweg 3 | Austria
Phone: +43 (0) 512 5936-0
Fax: +43 (0) 512 5936-1119
E-Mail: info@cmi.at
Web: www.cmi.at

Congress Innsbruck | Rennweg 3 | A-6020 Innsbruck
Messe Innsbruck | Kapuzinergasse 11 | A-6020 Innsbruck
congresspark igls | Eugenpromenade 2 | A-6080 Igls

Registration number, registration court and value added tax registration number (UID)
FN 36779m, LG Innsbruck
UID ATU31718503
DVR Nummer 0092207

Managing Director / CEO
Dipl.-BW (FH) Director Christian Mayerhofer

Authorised signatory
Astrid Kirchbichler
Hansjörg Stern
Bernhard Zotz

Bank details
Raiffeisen Landesbank: Innsbruck | IBAN AT15 3600 0000 0380 8888 | BIC: RZTIAT22
Tiroler Sparkasse: Innsbruck | IBAN AT25 2050 3000 0000 2022 | BIC: SPIHAT22XXX

Commercial rights
Cultural and entertainment business
Leisure and sport businesses
Travel agency
Garages, filling stations and service companies

Applicable laws and access
The company’s activities are subject to the provisions of the Austrian legal system.
The company's trade activities are subject to the provisions of the Trade Regulations.
The company’s contracts are subject to the contracts concluded, the General Terms and Conditions and the Austrian General Civil Code (ABGB).

The legal provisions can be found at ‘www.bka.ris.bundesrecht.at’.

You can find the corresponding GTC here.

The application of the reference provisions of private international law and other sources of law in foreign private law is excluded unless otherwise stipulated by law.

Main areas of business
Letting of premises.
Organisation and implementation of congresses, seminars and conferences.
Organisation of trade and public fairs.
Letting of tangible assets.

58,0 % | City of Innsbruck
25,5 % | State of Tirol
13,5 % | Tyrol Chamber of Commerce
  3,0 % | Innsbruck Tourism Association

Despite checking the content, we accept no liability for the content of external links and their further links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Congress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH endeavours to ensure that the content of its website is always up-to-date, correct and complete. Nevertheless, the occurrence of errors cannot be completely ruled out.

Congress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH therefore accepts no liability for the topicality, accuracy or completeness of the information provided on its website.

This refers to any material or non-material damage to third parties caused by the use of this website, whereby compensation for third-party damage is excluded; we also accept no liability for any misuse of our pages and e-mail addresses and data, in particular for any damage caused by third parties gaining unauthorised access to our e-mail address and the contents of this website and using them for their own purposes in any way whatsoever.

Compensation for so-called pure financial losses is excluded in all cases and at all times. We are also not liable for publications resulting from misuse of our data and misuse or abbreviated presentation of our information.

The contents of our web pages do not contain any binding descriptions of our services or the services of third parties that can be used as the basis for contractual, pre-contractual or other liability.

The information on our website and the information referred to concerning our activities fulfil the sole purpose of introducing and presenting our activities.

The use of the websites of Congress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH is authorised for information purposes only. All content on the websites is protected by copyright, naming rights and civil law, in particular intellectual property rights. This applies not only to the content of the websites, but also to their design, the word and figurative marks used and other design elements. This protection exists regardless of whether content is offered for a fee or free of charge.

Any kind of duplication, distribution, utilisation, imitation, rental, lending, making available to the public or other use in any form whatsoever requires the express written consent of Congress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH and is expressly prohibited in the absence of such consent. An exception exists if we give our consent.

Violations of this provision may in particular have consequences under intellectual property law, civil law, criminal law and competition law. Congress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH expressly reserves all copyrights and rights of use arising therefrom (rights of use and authorisations to use works).

Image sources / image material
© Congress Messe Innsbruck GmbH, © Die Fotografen, © Innsbruck Tourismus / Markus Mair, Daniel Zangerl, Frank Heuer, Kathrin Baumann, Tom Bause, W9 Studios, Christian Vorhofer, Mario Webhofer, © Audi AG, © ISSW, © shutterstock.com, © stock.adobe.com, © überall GmbH, © Tirol Werbung / Philipp Reiter, Bernhard Aichner, Angela Fuchs, © StokeSix Agency, © Uniconfoto Dzena, © Frischauf, © Stadtarchiv Innsbruck, © wikipedia 

Concept, design & programming
comm.ag Communication Agency GmbH
Innsbruck 6020 | Mitterweg 60 | Austria
Phone: +43 512 296 969
E-Mail: office@comm.ag

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