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IFIMP 2024: Intensive care medicine and animal sounds


Western Austria's largest intensive care congress not only provides practice-orientated workshops, but also insights into animal communication.

Animal and human communication

In her non-fiction book "Von singenden Mäusen und quietschenden Elefanten" (Of singing mice and squeaking elephants), which was awarded the Science Book Prize, the renowned behavioural researcher Angela Stöger explains why cheetahs whistle like birds and crocodile babies make sounds even before they hatch. The bioacoustician will give a lecture on the range and functions of animal communication during the Innsbruck Forum for Intensive Care Medicine and Nursing IFIMP on Wednesday, 10 April at 12 noon in the Innsbruck Hall. It will not only be about the different animal sounds and their functions, but also about which forms of animal communication still puzzle researchers - and how important it is to simply listen.

Western Austria's largest intensive care congress meets again

The fact that communication not only plays an important role in the animal kingdom is demonstrated by the other focal points of the largest intensive care congress in western Austria IFIMP from 10 to 11 April, which attracts over 400 trade visitors from all over Austria every year. Under the main theme of "The fine line", topics relating to current issues in intensive care medicine and nursing will be discussed, including communication in crisis situations. The lecture by author and founder of the seminar agency "HumorPille" Matthias Prehm shows that humour is also in demand.

"The fine line": current challenges in intensive care medicine

In addition to traditional intensive care medicine topics from adult medicine, there is an annual focus on paediatric intensive care medicine, emergencies and medical ethics. New are the lectures on "Fridays for Health for Future", which deal with the effects of climate change on intensive care units and how waste can be avoided. The topics are aimed at doctors and nursing staff from the fields of anaesthesiology, internal medicine, neurology/neurosurgery, transplant medicine and surgery. The IFIMP will also include a trade exhibition with various exhibitors from the field of medical technology.

Find out more:

You can find more information about this at​​​​​​​ www.ifimp.at or in our media centre.
Details about Angela Stöger's book can be found here: „Von singenden Mäusen und quietschenden Elefanten“.

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