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Tiroler Autosalon: 100 models to touch


The latest innovations from the automotive industry can be admired at the Tyrolean Motor Show at the Tyrolean Spring Fair from 14 to 17 March.

The Tyrolean Motor Show - try out the seats

Local car dealerships will be presenting their brand new vehicles with various drive systems in Hall A as part of the Tyrolean Spring Fair and inviting visitors to try them out. Experts will be on hand to provide comprehensive advice and an informative lecture programme on the subject of e-mobility will round off the trade fair experience. From sleek small cars to versatile off-road vehicles, the Tyrolean Motor Show offers a wide range of vehicles to familiarise yourself with and test drive. Visitors can look forward to high-quality advice from exhibitors and experts as well as the direct comparison of different models under one roof as one of the special features of the Tyrolean Motor Show.

20 brands, 100 models and lots of information

With over 20 renowned brands, the motor show presents vehicles for every need, from small and medium-sized to luxury cars, vans, SUVs, compact cars and even sports cars and mopeds. The focus is on first-class advice, attractive offers and the unique experience of the automotive world. More than 100 models are available for visitors to look at and touch. In addition to cars, there are also motorbikes, mopeds, camper vans and classic cars to marvel at. The latest mountain bikes and e-bikes can also be tested on a course in the exhibition hall.

Alternative drive types are becoming increasingly popular, as Statistics Austria shows. The Tyrolean Motor Show presents all types of drive systems at the cutting edge of technology, from petrol and diesel to electric and hybrid drives. Visitors can also look forward to first-class advice from independent mobility and transport experts, including the Tyrolean State Police Directorate, ÖAMTC Fahrtechnik Innsbruck and the Energy Agency Tyrol. An exciting programme of presentations on the topic of e-mobility will complement the trade fair offering and provide important information on handling e-cars, setting up charging stations, myths and facts about e-cars as well as financial incentives and funding opportunities.


Find out more:

You can find more information on this at www.fruehjahrsmesse.at / www.tiroler-autosalon.at or in our media centre.

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